Grab a TV Guide, find when it's on, tivo/watch it and let us know what you think. Personally, we think it's fascinating that two guys can demolish basically anything by simply using their bodies, but maybe it's not your cup of tea.
Plus, when they destroy a hotel room, they pay for it.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Human Wrecking Balls on G4
Is anyone watching Rock of Love: Charm School?
Thank goodness Megan is gone. The girl's a great "player", but she's not learning anything and had to go. Three strikes and you're out.
Plus, with all that tanning, she's not going to have her looks to rely on for much longer, now is she?
"now i can get back to tanning, sushi, and tanning".
we are happy to announce!
That the CW has officially ordered more episodes of the little gem, Priveleged!
Seriously, folks, if you haven't caught onto this show yet, catch up on youtube,, or even itunes. It's like a mini Gilmore Girls, minus Amy-Sherman Palladino.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
King of the Hill might go to ABC
As a companion to the new Mike Judge cartoon "The Goode Family", ABC might make it two for two by picking up another rival's soon-to-end series. Apparently, execs are interested in grabbing King of the Hill, as it's about to complete its run on Fox next year.
Isn't this show a little too long in the tooth for that?
Scratch that: Grey's reworking storylines
Well, Dr. Hahn is fired. Brooke Smith is off the show in a surprising move.
Now, we hear word that Melissa George, originally now straight.
She flirts with Callie and then nothing happens.
How strange is that?
And why the sudden change of heart?
Granted, Dr. Hahn getting womanly advice from Dr. McSteamy was a bit gross. However, this is a bit odd. And sudden. Don't you think?