Wednesday, July 16, 2008

90210 Updates from our spies

Check it out below... All names have been changed to protect the gossipers.



As I was leaving the lot last night I noticed security guards every where and tons of kids all decked out in their finest American Apparel wear and they were standing in small groups and I thought hello late 20 yeard olds pretending to be students at West Bev. They were shooting an outdoor cafeteria scene, sadly no major starts sitings....

Until today at 2:43pm when ******* and I were walking to Office Depot. As we were walking towards the gate we saw a young gentleman wearing a horrible outfit. At first we thought it was a PA until we realized that there was not headset on him, which we all know PA's live and die by those things on set. It gives them a sense of purpose ya know? Anyway he smiled at us and then put his head down in that shy you girls are really cute way. (or he was like I am a star of the upcoming show 90210 and want these girls to stop staring at me. I think it is the first one.) And then he walked into his trailer.

Yup we saw the kid who plays Ethan the tennis jock, most popular boy in school. Someday we will know his actual name because more than likely he will be caught in a drunk driving scandal or something and be all over TMZ. For now though he is Ethan, the kid whose name I am to lazy to really google.

See you at the Peach Pit!

And the hits just keep on fries at the peach pit or Brandon's side burns.

First off let me say that I am mad at Brandon cause they totally approached him to be on the show and he said no, but he would like to direct. I call bs.

I think ******* and I have found what we in the business call the golden hour. Or ok yea what I call the golden hour.

As we were walking to the new Fed Ex Box we walked by all of the trailers and I was like wow Jessica Walter's trailer and I am excited cause hello that is Lucille Bluth from Arrested Development. Well as we continue to walk who drives by us in a golf cart. Jessica Waters!!!

After we jammed the Fed Ex Box and the guy with one blonde eyebrow tried to unpry it (true story don't ask), we headed back and saw the main girl the "Brenda" character if you will. She is cute but as ******* said: "Her hair color is weird, but I guess since she is supposed to be from what Wyoming then it is good for her character." ******* has great insight. No lie.

Then we saw Ethan again this time in a much better outfit, which makes us sad for him cause obviously boy dresses in the dark.

Two updates in one day, my head is about to explode!

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