Monday, June 2, 2008

Universal Goes up in Smoke

E here. So Saturday night I wake up to explosions, no this is not a metaphor like actually explosions and then fire trucks and cop cars speeding down my street. After hearing that for the fourth time I stumbled off of my couch (yes one half of the couch was asleep on a couch) and look out the window to see nothing but the dawn. I wake up that morning and think wow it is really over cast. Check the news and nope Universal Studios is on fire.

The back lot caught fire early Sunday morning, torching the ing Kong exhibit (a giant motorized gorilla attacks your subway car), courthouse square which was the home of the clocktower in Back to the Future and they shot a lot of the Ghost Whisperer there, and some video vaults. J will be happy to know that the Desparate Housewives set is fine.

Oh and if anyone is looking for King Kong's ashes I am pretty sure they are all over my driveway.


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