Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Arrested Development the MOVIE!

It is like Christmas, our birthday, fourth of July, Thanksgiving, and Guy Fawkes Day all rolled into one! Jeffery Tambor basically confirmed to EW.com that they are doing and Arrested Development movie, while doing press for Hellboy 2.

Oh to see the Bluth's on the big screen would be the best. And if you have not seen this show then what the hell is your problem?!

1 comment:

UmassSlytherin said...

Oh my God Jason Bateman is so freaking hawt. When I was 11 my Dad drove me around the San Fernando valley for two hours looking for his house. We never found it. But I still love him. I have written him numerous fan letters. Once I wrote a letter to Valerie Harper, one of his TV moms, asking her to tell him I love him. She may have told him, but it is doubtful since all I recieved was an autographed picture of Valerie Harper.