Thursday, May 29, 2008

Denise Richards: It's not THAT complicated & Living Lohan

So, I sat thru these shows and I'm here to say, "I lived".

Surprising, right?

Denise wasn't that bad. I kind of enjoy her laugh. Her friend Trisha seems normal and it's almost comforting as to how candid she acts on camera, especially when talking about her past relationships. I really hope we never have to see two pigs mate ever again, however. One episode was enough. Were those real tears at her father's welcoming picnic, btw? I couldn't tell.

Lohan, however. Yikes. Does the entire family light up and chain smoke when the cameras are off, because their voices do not match the ages attached to those necks. A warning signal should have gone off in Dina's head when this producer IMed her PERIOD. The fact that he had her IM screenname is a wake-up call.

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