Thursday, May 8, 2008

Long time No Talk

Sorry couchers long time no talk. E here first off huge thanks to Jon for keeping this going while I have been on the East Coast for a few weeks now and yes unemployment has its benefits.

So you are probably thinking since you don‘t have to work then you should be writing every day. Sadly I have not been able to watch some of my favorite shows out here but the silver lining to it all is that I am now fluent in weird children’s television. I have a 4- year-old nephew who tends to not let me watch Gossip Girl or even reruns of Gilmore Girls. I have spent most of my time convincing him that the Teletubbies are the work of the devil.

So what have I been doing? Well watching old Gilmore Girls episodes, I am all the way up to season 6 now totally pumped. I am addicted to Soap Net it rules my afternoons. Two O.C.’s followed by two episodes of 90210. The original of course we are in season 5 right now so junior year of college I believe. Kelly is about to get addicted to coke so pumped for that. Don’t get me started on the new one that is a blog in waiting.

I am also addicted to BBC America’s How Clean is Your House. Love me some Aggie and Kim and I have picked up some very useful cleaning tips from them. I also watched the last two episodes of Grey’s Anatomy

Ok couchers I promise to be better about the blogs. Gotta go 90210 is on and I think we are getting closer to my favorite episode when Dylan gets married and then the Noxema chick dies.

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